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Damage Control

Damage Control

SKU: 634482875643

In Damage Control, each player leads a rival cleanup crew tasked to finding and securing the dangerous artifacts and technologies buried in the rubble. You’ll use your deck of Damage Control employees to demolish, uncover, and collect the Rubble Cards in search of valuable items, which you will then add to your deck. You can use the items’ powerful abilities to make your deck stronger and more effective or send them to your vault to keep them safe and earn victory points.

Heroes such as Captain America, Shang-Chi, Black Widow and more will appear in the form of the Character Deck. These heroes provide effects and victory points to the Damage Control teams that manage to enlist their help. The game also features four modules: Mighty Asgard, Mystical Manipulation, Pym Tech, and Vibranium Synthesis.

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